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VBS Offering Sends Children's Shelter to Water Park

Writer's picture: Lisa McMahonLisa McMahon

Matthew 18:3 says, “Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Recently, I was asked by First Baptist Church of Tavares children’s department if the Children’s Shelter of the Christian Care Center would like to be the mission focus for their VBS. Every year at VBS they collect an offering daily from the children to help with a missions need. This year they wanted to do a local mission. The children from the shelter were invited to attend every day for the week, and I was asked to speak each day during their missions time.

The children were really moved. They had never really thought of missions as being local and something that they could not only relate to but also see the results for themselves, with their own eyes. They were very involved with asking and answering many questions, and we even had a question and answer time for the VBS participants to ask some of the children in our shelter some of their questions about life in foster care. Every day we were blown away by their response and their willingness to give to serve these children.

And even more importantly, we taught about how God wants to adopt all of us into his family! With the money they collected, we were able to take the kids from our shelter to Daytona Lagoon waterpark. The VBS participants wanted to allow our children to experience some of the same experiences they were having during summer break.

And the best part for the kids was getting to hear Mr. Jamie scream like a little girl on the dark twisty water rides! This summer the children were able to forget their situations for a day and enjoy a carefree memory-making day at the water park. Just think of the impact these small children were able to have in the lives of our 12 children. Just think of the impact it could have if we all showed the same faith as them.

-Written by Jamie Scher, Director of our Children Shelter

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