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Fresh Start Jobs Program

Fresh Start is a job search assistance ministry. The program is designed to aid job seekers by identifying client skills and interests, assisting with resume and interview advice and connecting them to appropriate job listings and career training opportunities.



Fresh Start maintains an office in the CCC administration building (115 North 13th Street, Leesburg). The office has two computers available for clients to use for resume development. The office is staffed by job counselors and is open on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and at other times by appointment.



Fresh Start Ministry began in 2008 when the National and Central Florida economies had taken a major downturn and unemployment reached historical heights. We rolled up our sleeves and got to work helping those in our area who had suffered layoffs and job terminations due to difficult economic conditions. Fresh Start currently has 100 active clients.


Volunteer Opportunities

  • Counsel with those searching for a job

  • Assist with GED preparation classes

  • Assist with resume building

  • Contact local businesses for job leads

  • Regularly contact clients with job opportunities matching their individual skill sets

  • Office staff to help with client record keeping

  • Partner financially to help a client develop a resume, give job skill training or provide a seminar to equip job seekers via donations to the Christian Care Center



The Fresh Start staff consists of five volunteer positions:

  • Director: oversees all operations of Fresh start, its programs and facilities

  • Three Counselors: 

    • Jobs Counselor: Assists job seekers through counseling, resume review, interview strategies and job search techniques

    • GED Preparation Counselor: Plans, prepares, counsels and instructs clients in preparing to take GED tests

    • GED Preparation Assistant Counselor: Helps the GED Counselor plan, prepare and instruct clients in GED Preparation classes

  • Office Assistant: Performs office administrative functions to assist in the planning and delivery of the Fresh Start Job Program

GED Prep Program

Get your GED: In-person GED Preparation Classes to prepare students for success on the GED and for Life. No charge for taking the classes. Download the Flyer for more information.


Program Details

Many job seekers find themselves faced with challenges, including layoffs and terminations. Job seekers meet with Fresh Start counselors who assess their education, skill set and personal interests, to help them decide what types of positions would best suit each individual. We offer assistance with improving resumes, sharpening interviewing skills and presenting a professional appearance.


Counselors then connect clients with community agencies to help them build resumes, find job leads and select jobs best suited to their knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Several GED Preparatory Classes are held on campus to prepare clients to pass the GED Tests.


We connect clients with seminars/webinars designed to give job seekers tools to more effectively market themselves and their skills.


Fresh Start maintains a comprehensive job search website with articles on employment search topics, links to job search websites, local resources, assessment tools and advice for job seekers.


Fresh Start Counselors also help job seekers with troubled backgrounds by connecting them with Federal Bonding Programs and to help them overcome criminal records.


Chip West

Director | Fresh Start Job Program

Chip is a Certified Personal Consultant and has experience as the vice president and manager of an employment agency. He has served as president of a non-profit employment agency association and has many years in retail management. He would like to use his gifts and experience to assist others with employment opportunities so that they may improve their circumstances and better their lives with a job or career.  His heart's desire is that all have an opportunity to know Jesus Christ as Lord.  

He is actively involved with Disaster Relief as a Billy Graham Rapid Response Team Chaplain and Samaritan’s Purse. Chip and his wife Kim volunteer together in a variety of local ministries. They have been married 45 years, have 3 Children and 4 grandchildren.

You can call the center at 352-314-6943
Email Fresh Start at
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