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  • Writer's pictureLisa McMahon

No Matter Who Comes to Our Door

Recently, a young lady made her way to our campus. It was after hours, and she was hungry, so we fed her and listened to her story. She had come to Florida with a couple of friends to go to a concert, and then things turned sour. Her car and I.D. were stolen, and her friends abandoned her. She had no way to get back to Georgia and having already slept in a parking lot the night before, she was scared and desperate. Realizing that, without intervention, she could very easily become a victim of sex trafficking, we let her use our phone and computer to secure a bus ticket. The next day, she spent a couple of hours with Carolyn, one of our volunteer lay counselors, before Carolyn took her to the bus stop in Ocala. Weeks later, she texted Carolyn, “Hey, how are you? I want to say thank you so much! I’ve really got closer to the word of God since I left you all! Last night, Leesburg Police Department called me and told me that they found my car! And I can say all this happened because God wanted me closer to Him. And as soon as I found my way to Him, He answered my every need! Thank you for the guidance and the prayers!” No matter who comes to our door, our desire is to “meet needs and share Christ!” Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, that we might be able to serve all of those who enter our doors seeking help.

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