God’s timing is always perfect. Our Benevolence Center was low on food just because of how busy we have been. Last Friday, right when we were getting so low on food, First Academy pulled into our parking lot with donations they had taken up in a food drive!
Yes, God provides for all our needs in His perfect timing!
We at the Christian Care Center are constantly amazed at how God takes care of us through stories such as this one. He uses so many people on our campus, week in and week out, to help us as we seek to Meet Needs and Share Christ to our community. So many selflessly come every week to volunteer in our ministries and come alongside our clients who have such need. The Christian Care Center would not be what it is without these faithful volunteers! There are also those who partner financially with us and help us accomplish what we could never do alone. We are truly grateful for all these ways that God provides for us. As 2018 comes to a close, we want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We look forward to continuing to serve together in 2019 and see more lives transformed for His glory!
CLICK HERE to give online or CLICK HERE to schedule a tour. #ccc #ChristianCareCenter #needy #meetingneeds #SharingChrist #livestransformed