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Writer's pictureLisa McMahon

When God Causes the Growth

The flowers pictured here were all on their last leg – brown, dry and brittle – just a couple of months ago. In fact, most would have thought it was time to throw them out and replace with something new. Instead, they were left alone for the most part except for some watering. As you can see, in a matter of months they are all beautiful flowers, and the owner is very glad that they weren’t thrown out. In fact, one of them just blossomed up in the cracks of a sidewalk.

The same concept is so true in our spiritual lives. In the Christian life, it is so easy to try to force growth, be it in our own personal lives or in the lives of others. We will often exhaust ourselves in this effort as we seek to produce fruit. Yet all the while, we forget that our gracious God is actually a Father who wants to help us grow. While He does ask us to be obedient, He also asks us to simply be still in Him!

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7 that

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth.”

God often seems to grow us the most, not when we are frantically wearing ourselves out for Him, but rather when we are simply being still in Him. This is a concept we see all the time here at the Christian Care Center, namely that He does His best work when we have come to the end of our rope and therefore get out of the way and let Him do what only He can do!

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