We read in 2 Corinthians 9:10-11,
“Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.”

This story was written a couple of months ago, but we wanted to share it with you! This past year has been tough to say the least. With COVID many have lost work or have had reduced hours making it hard to be able to even consider celebrating. Just when we think there is no way, God shows up. Thanksgiving at the Men’s Center has always been a big event. We always provide a generous Thanksgiving meal for those in need and then share a great meal with the residents as well. With things being different all over the world this past year we were not sure just how we were going to pull it off…but God! God showed off once again supplying an abundance of food to provide our yearly Thanksgiving feast.

It can be a difficult time for our residents since many have to spend the Thanksgiving holiday away from their loved ones for many different reasons. Some came to us from out of state and can’t make the trip home, some don’t feel they are capable of staying sober so they decide to stay here and others just have no one willing to share Thanksgiving with. This usually leads to a bit of a somber holiday, and with 2020 going the way it did, we figured that it would be nothing short of somber. But God also provided the spirit of Thanksgiving in all our hearts. The residents were thrilled to be able to clean, set up, serve, and minister to those in need. We decided to setup and serve outside to keep everyone safe and healthy and the spirit of generosity flowed through every step of the way resulting in Thanksgiving to the One who supplied it all.

When we take a moment and take our eyes off the problems of the world and focus them back on Jesus, we cannot help but be full of Thanksgiving. While God provided the delicious turkeys for us to feast on, we can’t forget the precious Lamb which give us a new Spirit and new life worth celebrating. These men come in broken by their addictions, full of pride and selfishness, and we get to watch as the Lamb of God gives them a new heart. We witness their hearts become eager to serve others and share their faith reminding us how Thankful we too should be regardless of what is happening around us, because of what is happening within us. If you would like to be a part of what the Lord is doing at our Men’s Residence, either through prayer, donations, or volunteering please contact Jamie Scher at Jamie@ChristianCareCenter.org for more information.

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