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Writer's pictureJamie Scher, Men's Residence Assistant Director

A New Creation in Christ

When one thinks of a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center, one usually believes it is a place to go to help gain sobriety. While that is indeed true, that’s only a part of our mission here at the Christian Care Center Men’s Residence. Our main mission is for the men to develop a personal relationship with the Lord which results in a new life entirely; sobriety just goes along with it.

Coming to the Men’s Residence more than 10 years ago, I can personally say God has given me an entirely new life. All I really knew of life was working to get money to feed my addiction. I was killing myself daily; this was not life. When I finally allowed the Lord into my heart, I was given a new life, a life where I live unto God.

Everything changed for me. But the enemy loves to steal that life. I was convinced that being a Christian meant never having fun. Satan deceived me into thinking being a Christian was all about what I couldn’t do anymore and for an addict boredom, is a huge trigger.

However, God used men in my life to show me the Truth. Jesus meant it when He said that He came to give me an abundant life. I had men of God show me what it meant to really enjoy life. I was awakened to new hobbies and interests that I never knew of before. Who would have thought this New Yorker would love fishing so much? In the past, I couldn’t do anything without being high. These men showed me when you live life with Jesus, you live so abundantly you don’t need drugs to do anything anymore.

One of the areas of treatment I like to focus on with our men here is showing them how much there really is to life with Jesus. But we need your help. In a few weeks, we are planning a full-day fishing charter for all our men here at the center. Some may not see this as a very important need but rather more of a want, but these men need to understand and experience living and enjoying life. We need your help with sponsoring our men in the program who do not have the money needed to go on this trip. The cost for one man is around $90. My prayer is that you will see that your donation is not to just to send a guy fishing, but rather that you are investing in giving a man a new life he didn’t even know was possible. The enemy wants to keep these men from this experience because he wants them to believe their old lives is all that they are worth, but we want them to know how worthy they really are. In fact, Jesus felt His life was worth being sacrificed so they could experience life abundantly.

If God has laid it on your heart to sponsor one of God’s new creations, please email me at or call us at 352-787-9904 for more information on how you can help.

CLICK HERE to give online or CLICK HERE to schedule a tour. #ccc #ChristianCareCenter #needy #meetingneeds #SharingChrist #livestransformed

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