"A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families,
He leads out the prisoners with singing;
but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land" (Psalm 68:5,6).
Here at the Samaritan Inn, we understand the need for Christian family-wholeness is great, but we can also see the need for fathers and grandfathers in the lives of our children, especially our boys. Many of our families come from broken homes, and most of our children have only one parent. The absence of a male is a big “missing piece” in the child’s life.

God has said He is a father to the fatherless. As his image bearer would you consider being that missing piece by mentoring one of our boys? Would you allow God to set the lonely among your family by coming alongside one of our families? The need is great, but the workers are few. Could it be that God has placed it on your heart to put love into action? Well, here is your chance to be a father to the fatherless!
Would you consider being the “missing piece” that God uses to change a life? All that is required is your presence, as you join together in time, in fun, in mentoring, and most importantly, in love.
Time together may simply be a meal or a game night that could grow into a lifelong relationship. The need is great, but the task is simple.
To get started by mentoring one of our boys at the Samaritan Inn, please call 382-464-6382 or email Daryl@christiancarecenter.org