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Writer's pictureJess Pike

Giving Jesus All of the Glory

Wanda Kohn, our Director at the Pregnancy & Family Care Center, has been along the side of client Crystal Allen since she was a teenager struggling with homelessness and addictions. Crystal calls Wanda her “second mom”. Wanda is so proud of Crystal and where she is in her life today!

Crystal’s 38th birthday post reveals her grateful heart to Jesus:

“I just want to humbly say that I give JESUS all the GLORY for bringing me this far! JESUS has carried me so far & He is the absolute only reason I'm still alive today to see 38! I could be dead from a meth overdose in 2014, I could be dead in the streets, I could be dead in prison, I could be dead from Hep C but He HEALED me! Best day of my life was in 2015 when JESUS delivered me & filled me with the Holy Ghost! He set me free from that old life I once lived! I want to thank my mom for choosing LIFE when the doctors told her otherwise! I'm thankful for parents who taught me about the Lord! I want to thank everyone who has stuck by my side & believed in me through thick & thin! I give all the GLORY TO GOD that I'm alive today to see my children thrive! I'm so GRATEFUL for a HOME after over a year and a half of homelessness. This last year has humbled me to my core, and I wouldn't change it for the world! I thank God for the road I've had to walk because I'm GRATEFUL for the person it's molded me into for His GLORY. I'm so GRATEFUL for LIFE & FREEDOM! Spending time with my kids at my new home is the BEST place I could ever be for my birthday!”
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