Can you imagine Thanksgiving without a TURKEY? Neither can we!
This year, the Christian Care Center is aiming to serve 200 needy families with a turkey.
The needs are greater now than ever before. Help a family in need this Thanksgiving.
Here are 2 ways you can get involved:
Bring a 10lb. - 12lb. frozen turkey by Nov. 17th from your local store to the Christian Care Center's Benevolence Center located at 118 N. 14th Street, Leesburg, FL 34748 between the hours of 8am - 11am, Monday - Friday.
Give a Financial Gift to have a turkey purchased for a needy family this Thanksgiving by Nov. 17th. Mail or drop off your check payable to Christian Care Center, 115 N. 13th Street, Leesburg, FL 34748 or give a gift online by clicking link here
$20 will provide one turkey - $60 will provide 3 turkeys
$100 will provide 5 turkeys - $240 will provide 12 turkeys
You can also Form a Turkey Team
Get together on the giving! Families, co-workers, community groups, and congregations are all encouraged to form teams to collect turkeys — frozen or donations! Contact Stephanie Peebles at (352) 360-7975 if your interested in starting a Turkey Team or have more questions.