Rita is Biking Across Kansas
BAK is an eight-day bicycle tour across the state of Kansas June 9th thru 17th, 2023. The mileage will be as low as 44 miles to as much as 80 miles per day. The total mileage is 542 miles.
“I’ve made a personal commitment to challenge myself to take up cycling. Oh, I’ve been an occasional recreational rider throughout the years, but never dreamt I would be cycling at this stage of my life. With the love and support of Norman and my two wonderful sons, Kevin and Bryan, I will step out of my comfort zone. I will cycle the 542 mile, 8 day, BAK adventure and set my goal to raise money for a non-profit local missions organization serving those in need, the Christian Care Center. More specifically I want the funds raised to go to one of the eight ministries located on their campus that is close to my heart, the Pregnancy & Family Care Center.”
The PFCC provides support for women and families who are experiencing challenging circumstances related to pregnancy and parenting. The program offers physical, emotional and spiritual support providing for immediate needs while equipping clients with knowledge and skills necessary to be a successful parent. For women who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy no matter what their decision is they find support including medical referrals, adoption counseling and placement housing during pregnancy. The Center’s Earn-While-You-Learn program provides for the physical needs including maternity clothes, baby care items, baby furniture and car seats. Parents earn points to exchange for these necessities by completing parenting and Bible study lessons which equip them with life skills. The PFCC also provides post-abortion counseling and court approved parenting classes.
“I’ve made a commitment to raise $5,000 and I hope you can help me to surpass this goal and support this amazing cause. Thank you for your support!”
Blessings, Rita
Help Rita reach her goal by giving today
For more information about the Christian Care Center
Pregnancy and Family Care Center visit our ministry page by clicking here.
If you, your group or church would like host a fundraiser / community event / special project to raise funds for the Christian Care Center please contact our Stephanie Peebles directly @ 352-360-7975 or send an email to stephanie@christiancarecenter.org