Jess recently completed the program at the Women’s Care Center and is now volunteering at the Pregnancy Care Center. She is also interested in putting her educational skills to use and tutoring where needed, either at the Children’s Shelter or the Samaritan Inn. Teaching has always been her passion!
Jess has recently undergone knee surgery and has returned to our campus to continue serving! It has been an exciting time for Jess, and we are eager to see what God has in store for her! Please join us in praying for Jess as she continues to become the lady God has called her to be!
If you would like to learn more about the Women’s Care Center and how lives are being transformed, please contact our Director, Sherry Stewart (352) 787-8929. We would love to have you partner with us, either prayerfully or financially!
CLICK HERE to give online or CLICK HERE to schedule a tour. #ccc #ChristianCareCenter #needy #meetingneeds #SharingChrist #livestransformed