A call came into the Pregnancy & Family Care Center this past February. The call went something like this. “Hello? Yes, I live in Clermont and would like to get an abortion… I can’t have a baby right now; can you help me?” She very hesitantly agreed to come see us.
Her story unfolded – she is a married Christian Haitian woman with four children and her husband works hard to provide for them and she didn’t see how they had the ability to feed and care for a fifth child. She was afraid people in her church would criticize her for getting pregnant again as her youngest was less than a year old. Also, she was physically drained.

She admitted to us that she knows God says abortion is wrong. As we prayed with her and shared with her, you could tell her heart was changing. During a break she called her husband and spoke at length. After the call, she said that he was adamant that she get an abortion. Her heart was in turmoil. To show her God’s love and faithfulness, the Benevolence Center (even though it was after hours) provided Esther* and her family over $100 worth of food!
Later the next day, Esther called me and told me that she and her husband had talked that night about all that she experienced at the pregnancy center and this time her husband agreed to support Esther in continuing her pregnancy! She thanked us from the bottom of her heart and said she was so happy! Since February, Esther has returned to the pregnancy center with completed Bible studies so she can get things for their baby! We praise Jesus often for her changed heart!
*Name and photo changed for security purposes.
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