The Christian Care Center Christmas Stroll was a wonderful time of fellowship and food with approximately 300 from the community getting a peek at each of the eight ministries!! We so enjoyed this opportunity to open our doors and share of the incredible things God is doing on our campus. It was so encouraging to watch as our staff, volunteers and residents came together as a team to share about our campus with those who came! Our camps was beautifully decorated, and the Lord’s presence was truly felt!! Thank you to the many people who stopped by for our first Christmas Stroll, and we hope to make it an annual event! Yes, we are already looking forward to next year’s Christmas Stroll, and hope many more of you will join us in 2020!
CLICK HERE to give online or CLICK HERE to schedule a tour. #ccc #ChristianCareCenter #needy #meetingneeds #SharingChrist #livestransformed